Sunday, February 23, 2014

Warrior Cats App

Hello again!
I know I haven't been posting lately because my birthday is coming up and I need birthday party stuff.
Anyhoo, I love the Warrior Cats App! Its really cool! I recommend it for lots of people.
Its also very interesting to me, it shows you a timeline, which is kinda a spoiler for me...
But on the bright side, you can learn what medicine cat herbs are and what they do,
The warrior cats code to live by, learn about main characters and much much more!
I'm sure if you get the app, you will enjoy it! That is if you love warrior cats.
Blog soon, bye! :D
Warrior Cats App. 
( I know, it has the Nook sign on it)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Book I Am On: Midnight: The New Prophecy

Well, I got the Second Series of Warrios : The New Prophecy
I am curently reading Midnight, so far its a good book. I can't wait to read more of it and go on to the next book: Moonrise.
What book are you on? Post in the comments what book your on or what your favorite book is.
Blog soon! Bye.
Woop woop, this is what book I am on!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Scourge or Tigerstar?

I would like to hear your guys votes for either, Scourge or Tigerstar, if you like both that's cool. I for one like Scourge more, he showed that even though your small, you can be powerful. Also, because Scourge had a sad past and I feel bad for Scourge. What's your favorite? Scourge? Tigerstar? Both?

Right: Scourge
Left: Tigerstar
Right: Scourge
Left: Tigerstar

Feel free to vote with the side bar icon.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Quick Note.

Does this website look familiar? Its, join for free today. I am XxDarkStormxX, feel free to join and chat about Warriors, Seekers, or Survivors, all by Erin Hunter.

This is a screenshot I took.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I am sorry.

Sorry but I will not be blogging for a few months dew to complications as in, its hard to blog on my Nook, and I have to wait until my family computer is just my computer cause it would be a lot easier to blog on there then on here. Sorry but I will be dalaying for a few months, sorry for the late notice.